The "Lighting Retrofit Advisor" is an integrative, comprehensive, multi-platform (desktop / mobile) tool for stakeholders involved in lighting retrofits and draws on the main results of the different subtasks:
- Authorities can find information on regulation and certification approaches for lighting retrofits.
- Investors can inform themselves on the economic boundary conditions of bringing new lighting systems into practice.
- Designers / consultants can make use of for instance an "On-Site Optimizer" that allows to develop retrofit concepts directly on site, while drawing from a knowledge database of 40+ retrofit techniques (daylight, electric lighting and lighting controls) and 20+ case studies.
The Lighting Retrofit Adviser is either available online or as an app for android or iOS.
Find the web version here:
Find the apps here:

The LRA consists of two categories of components organized in an information part and a calculation & rating part.

Information components:
- Low Hanging Fruit: With the significant boost in efficiency in lighting in many cases a direct replacement of old installations is at little payback times an interesting option to consider. For typical applications like offices, schools, industry warehouses / retail total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis are presented and discussed.
- Technology Viewer: More than 40 technologies in the field of electric lighting, daylight, light management and relating to measures in the building interior are described and rated according to a set of criteria on energy efficiency, lighting quality and thermal benefits. The technology viewer allows to compare different technologies on a direct one to one basis.
- Case Study Viewer: More than 20 lighting retrofit case studies in different latitudes and climatic zones covering offices, education facilities, manufacturing halls, whole sale stores, spa, etc. are presented. All case studies were assessed according to newly developed monitoring protocol which covers the aspects: Costs, Lighting Energy Use, Lighting environment and user perspectives. Several figures and data tables support the presentation.
- FAQs: Collection of frequently asked questions and answers on “General questions on lighting retrofits”, “Lighting quality, “Lighting control / users’ behavior”.
- Collection of Tools / List of Metrics: These components compare different tools and metrics used / or suited for application in lighting retrofits.
- Publications & Reports: Holds brief descriptions and full text version of the task reports.
- Survey: A large survey among more than 1000 practitioners on tools and methods in lighting retrofits was conducted. The results of this survey are found in this component.
Calculation Components:
- Benchmarking: Compare installed power and energy consumption for lighting purposes of your building to typical values.
- Portfolio Analysis: Analyze a portfolio of several buildings and compare it to typical consumptions of comparable portfolios.
- On-site Optimizer: Lighting is decentralized in buildings. Often there is no detailed information available on the energy performance, operation hours and in the end on the economics of the lighting installations. This component allows the on-site assessment for a direct analysis of potentials (energy, CO2 emissions, economics). To support further development of retrofit options, it automatically generates retrofit proposals.
- CFS Express: The “CFS Express” allows to analyze the impact of different complex fenestration systems (sun- shading, glare protection) on natural illumination of spaces and energy demand for lighting. It delivers hourly values. It can be chosen from worldwide 19 representative locations (geographic site, and climatic data). The underlying algorithm has been optimized such, that the calculation can be performed in a few seconds (compared to hours in former calculation schemes).

Stakeholder related access to information
This access to the lighting retrofit adviser provides tailored information to different stakeholder information needs (policymakers / authorities, owners/investors, tenants, designers / consultants, industry / seller, installers). In addition it directs to the most relevant information, tools, and / or reports within the tool.